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VirtualInstance Directives

Dex tries to allow access to all use cases in Roblox's Data Model through VirtualInstances.

VirtualInstances aim to be as declarative as possible (i.e. described in terms of how they are put together in relation to state rather than in terms of the exact instructions for how to put them together). Dex uses a concept called Directives to bridge this gap.

Directives are methods which declare special instructions on how to put together an instance heirarchy based on application state. They can be added to a VirtualInstance but never removed. Once a VirtualInstance is rendered by Dex, it becomes frozen, meaning no more directives can be added or removed from the VirtualInstance.

Basic Directives

The :SetProperties() and :AddChildren() directives define a VirtualInstance's properties and children respectively. The first two arguments of VirtualInstance constructors (such as Dex.New) automatically add a :SetProperties() and :AddChildren() directive when defined.

-- Creating a VirtualInstance with "Properties" and "Children" tables defined:
local virtualInstance1 = Dex.New("Frame", {
BackgroundTransparency = 1
}, {

-- . . . Is equivalent to adding a "SetProperties" and "AddChildren" directive!
local virtualInstance2 = Dex.New("Frame")
BackgroundTransparency = 1,

You can add these directives multiple times to split up the logic of a UI component:

local function Component(props: {
layoutOrder: number,
coins: Dex.Observable<number>,
-- Layout
local label = Dex.New("TextLabel", {
LayoutOrder = props.layoutOrder

-- Coins display
Text = props.coins:Map(function(currentCoins)
return string.format("%.2f", currentCoins)

return label

The previous section also goes over the :MapChildren(), :MapChildrenByKey(), and :MapChildrenByValue() directives, which are more optimized ways of specifying the children of a VirtualInstance.

Let's go over a few more Directives and their use cases.

Defining Attributes

Dex can render attributes in a similar way to properties by adding a :SetAttributes() directive. This takes in a table that can hold both Static and Observable values:

local function FrameWithAttributes(props: {
id: Dex.Observable<string>
local frame = Dex.New("Frame")
id =,
return frame

When rendered, this component will generate a frame with attributes that adjusts to be equal to a state passed in via props:

local frame = FrameWithAttributes({
id = Dex.State("ValueFromProps")

Defining Tags

Dex also provides an :AddTags() directives, which adds CollectionService Tags to a VirtualInstance while it is being rendered.

The tag list can be an observable, and can also contain a list of observable string values:

local function TaggedUIScaleConstraint(props: {
darkMode: Dex.Observable<boolean>
local uiScale = Dex.New("UIScale")
if darkModeEnabled then
return {"ApplyDarkMode", "AutoScaling"}
return {"AutoScaling"}
return uiScale
local uiScale = TaggedUIScaleConstraint({
darkMode = Dex.State(false)

Connecting Events

The :SetProperties() directive can connect to listeners by providing a function as a value for an event name:

local function Button()
return Dex.Premade("GuiButton", {
Activated = function()
print("Button was pressed!")

Alternatively, Dex provides a separate directive :Connect() which achieves the same result:

local function Button()
local button = Dex.Premade("GuiButton")
button:Connect("Activated", function()
print("Button was pressed!")
return button

Dex will automatically clean up the connection/disconnection of these event listeners while a VirtualInstance is being rendered.

Listening to Property & Attribute Changed events

The :OutProperty() and :OutAttribute() directives listen to changes in a specific property or attribute while the VirtualInstance is being rendered. These directives return an Observable object which changes when the property or attribute changes, and are initialized to the value and type of the second argument passed into the directive:

local function LabelComponent(props: {
text: Dex.Observable<string>m
local label = Dex.Premade("TextLabel", {
Text = props.text,
-- Create an Observable which tracks the ContentText (translated text) of
-- the label in realtime. This observable initializes to an empty string
-- (second argument) until label is mounted and a ContentText is defined.
local contentText = label:OutProperty("Text", "")

-- Print whenever the translated text changes
label:SubscribeWhileMounted(contentText, function(currentContentText)
print("Translated text is", currentContentText)

FindChild Directive

When working with premade VirtualInstance templates, you may commonly need to define a child VirtualInstance, then set it as a child of another VirtualInstance:

local child = Dex.Premade("Frame")
parentVirtualInstance:AddChild("ChildName", child)

The :FindChild() directive conveniently simplifies this idiom into a single statement:

local child = parentVirtualInstance:FindChild("ChildName")

Combining VirtualInstances

Dex provides a special directive, :Combine, which combines the directive of one or more premade VirtualInstances with another VirtualInstance. The VirtualInstances passed to the :Combine() directive must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be of "Premade" type, with an equivalent or related ClassName to the target VirtualInstance.
  • They must not already be rendered by Dex and/or combined with another VirtualInstance.


local function PrintOnPress()
return Dex.Premade("GuiButton", {
Activated = function()
print("Button was pressed!")
local function Button()
local button = Dex.New("TextButton", {
Text = "Click Me!",
return button

Lifecycle Callbacks

A VirtualInstance is Mounted when it is first rendered by Dex (either passed in as an argument to Root:Render(), or created as a child of another VirtualInstance). When the VirtualInstance stops being rendered, it is Unmounted, meaning any created instances, side effects, etc. are automatically cleaned up by Dex.

Dex provides the directives :OnMount() and :OnUnmount() to listen to these events for custom side effects.


local function Component()
local frame = Dex.New("Frame")
print("Frame was mounted!")
print("Frame was unmounted!")
return frame

SubscribeOnMounted directive

Dex provides the directive :SubscribeOnMounted() to listen for changes to an Observable, and automatically clean up this listener when a VirtualInstance is no longer being rendered by Dex.

Under the hood, :SubscribeOnMounted() uses :OnMount() and :OnUnmount() to set up and take down the side effect of subscribing to an observable:

local function SubscribeWhileMounted<T>(
self: VirtualInstance,
input: Observable<T>,
listener: (T) -> (),
immediatelyCallListener: boolean
local unsubscribe: (() -> ())? = nil
unsubscribe = input:Subscribe(listener, immediatelyCallListener)
if unsubscribe then

For custom side effects, this same pattern can be used to set up and take down these custom effects while a VirtualInstance is being rendered.